Tips before buying a computer and needs its specifications

The need to have a computer currently already a necessity
following the primary. A lot of factors to consider when we choose spek
a computer for the needs of big business, the business standard and small business or
individuals. But to customize it must first know the workload
the computer that will be used. For Example; If you select a computer to a the Administration is not required a computer with performance spek high and additional components, such as DVD drives, the high graphics capabilities and sound card.
But unlike a power animator and graphic design or a
gamers who definitely need computer with performance spek high with
large memory capacity, graphics capability card is high and needs
multimedia support occupations graphics and game play already
using the standard 3 dimensions at this time.
We must know the classification of the computer so that we can adjust the
the budget and the needs of the computer what we will use later.The Following
This is a picture about the classification of computer based works.
Jenisjenis classification of computer at least three kinds, namely:

a. Class High Performance
This class is a class that uses components that are performancenya relatively high and usually expensive because the price of hardware to be used for a very heavy work, such as multimedia and the gamers based 3 dimensional.

b. The Medium-Class Performance
This class is widely used by large corporations and medium for data processing work. IT companies make extensive use of and exploit Programming computer performance of this type of activity in helping it works. Or it could also be used by individuals who have used to design standard and gamers thresholds does not need the high-tech category spek PC.

c. Basic Class Performance
This class is widely used by small enterprises for the benefit of the Administration and individuals that are only used for typing as well as a standard calculation only. but does not close the possibility to use a programming using the aplikasiaplikasi standard, as well as the gameplay is standard or low.

Examples of the needs of the computer specifications:
1. Computer Office

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